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Terms of service


These Terms of services agreement (“TOS”) governs the relations of SeedHost.eu (“SeedHost”), its systems and resources (“Service”), and any entity that is explicitly granted use of the Service (“Customer”). All customers upon signing up for SeedHost’s services, agree to comply with this (“TOS”).


Customer agrees that he/she got acquainted with our Refund Policy.



Customer can cancel his/her service anytime he wants to. If Customer cancelled his/her Service with immediate cancellation and he/she is not entitled for a refund whithin our Refund Policy, the service will be terminated within 24hours, without any refund for the Service paid for and not used. If the Customer cancelled the Service at the end of the billing period, his/her Service will be cancelled when the Service expires. Cancellation can be withdrawn anytime if the Service has not been terminated yet. If the Customer has an active Paypal subscription related to the service cancelled, he/she is responsible for cancelling it immediately so that we won’t receive any future payments. If we receive future payment(s) it(they) will be added in credits to the Customerā€™s account and the credits are non refundable.

Invoices & Suspensions

SeedHost will send an invoice to Customer email address for Service renewal 20 days before the Service expires. Also, 2 reminders will be sent after that. The Customer agrees that if Seedhost don’t receive the payment on a due date, they are no longer obliged to provide the Service and it will be suspended a day after the due date. 48h after suspension Seedhost retains the right to terminate the Service as we understand Customer has resigned from it and delete Customer content stored on SeedHost servers. If Customer needs additional time to make the payment, he/she needs to inform SeedHost support about the request.

Paypal subscriptions, disputes & chargebacks

The Customer is responsible for managing his/her Paypal subscription(s). If the Customer doesnā€™t want to pay anymore for a service, he/she needs to cancel the paypal subscription(s) related to the service himself/herself. If we receive any paypal dispute or chargeback for any payment(s), the Customer account will be marked as fraud, closed immediately without any future communication and all services under the Customerā€™s account will be terminated without any backup possibility.

Overpayments & Credits

All overpayments are added in credits to the Customerā€™s account and the Customer can add credits to his/her account manually as well. The Credits can be used to pay for new orders and will be used automatically to cover all newly generated invoices, while there are enough credits to cover a newly generated invoice on the invoice generation date. The credits are non refundable at all.


SeedHost as a hosting provider is not responsible for any Customer content stored on SeedHost servers. Prohibited software/content/usage on SeedHost servers:

  • Phishing and Fraudulent sites
  • Racism, Violence, Hate sites
  • Child pornography of any sort
  • Sites selling unlicensed software
  • Hacking sites, programs or archives
  • Sites distributing hacking tools, data, products or services
  • IP Scanners
  • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Mail Bombers
  • Spam Scripts
  • Spam
  • Warez Sites
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Scripts and Code that could resolve in major hardware malfunctions
  • TOR (The Onion Router)
  • DC++
  • Malicious scripts and Code that could be used to launch an attack on another server

Failure to follow any term or condition will be regarded as grounds for immediate account deactivation.


SeedHost doesn’t offer any backups. It is the Customer’s responsibility to maintain the Customer’s own backup of any data at all times. SeedHost is not responsible for any data loss under any circumstances.


Failure to comply with any terms or conditions can result in automatic deactivation of the account without refund.

Changes to the TOS

SeedHost reserves rights to update this TOS anytime without Customer notice, an updated version can always be found at www.seedhost.eu/terms-of-service.php.